The Equipping the Saints Weekend for clergy and laity is designed to train parishes across our diocese in areas of ministry that were identified at the diocesan strategic planning meeting in May 2023. Each participant will choose workshop track and will receive 5 training sessions over the course of two days. It will be a time of worship, connection and education; and we look forward to gathering together!
The Center for Ministry, a Strategic Initiative in the 2023-2028 Diocesan Strategic Plan, is hosting this event in partnership with the Cathedral’s Charles Simeon Institute. Event information and registration can be found here.
Anglican Fourth Day (A4D)

The Anglican Fourth Day (A4D) weekend is based on a program of spiritual renewal initiated by the Roman Catholic Church in Spain in the 1940’s. The Roman Catholics use the term Cursillo, which means “short course” or “little study.” A4D works to form groups of men and women committed to living the Christian life in union with the Living Lord and to share Christ with those they know and love. The four-day weekend provides a living experience, meeting Christ and meeting fellow Christians in a friendly, and non-threatening atmosphere. It is a joyous time, and can be a life enriching experience. The next retreat will be May 30-June 2, 2024 at Luther Springs in Hawthorn, FL, and will include men and women. For more information, contact Debi Johnson from Christ the King Anglican Church in Ocala.
Camp Araminta

The Camp Araminta 2024 registration for campers and application for leaders are now live!
Quick facts:
- Araminta 2024 will be held July 22-27 at Lake Swan Camp in Melrose
- Camper age is rising 4th -12th grades
- Cost per camper: $525
- Students may apply for leadership beginning in 10th grade with Flight Crew. Cost for LITs (Leaders-in-Training under 18): $396
- Counselors and other adult volunteers needed!
- For questions about registration email Camp staff
Hope to see you this summer!
Soul in the City

Soul in the City registration is also live! SitC is empowering teenagers to live a life of service to God and neighbor through the love of Christ. It’s a week-long overnight summer camp where rising 7th – 12th grade students physically and relationally invest in the local community with their time and talents by being the hands and feet of Jesus. During this action-packed week, students live on the Grace Anglican Church campus in a mission-styled setting. Students serve during the day at various mission sites, have fun with friends, and gather at the Barn in the evening for worship, teaching, and small group discussion.