Missional Leadership Alliance (logo)

1 Timothy 2:2 reminds us to pass on what we have learned and entrust it to faithful people. The Missional Leadership Alliance (MLA) is intended to develop clergy as leaders to strengthen our ministries and to provide us with common language and shared purpose as we seek to pass on what we’ve learned as we raise up missional leaders and plant new churches.

MLA Phase 1
For new clergy

Phase 1 is a two-year cohort providing on-the-job character and skill formation for new clergy. This cohort will have regular readings as well as a monthly online process group, facilitated by a senior member of our diocesan clergy. Phase 1 will also gather in person around our two Clergy Conferences. New clergy join the cohort at the cohort’s next in-person gathering following their ordination. Phase 1 is more intensive than Phase 2.

MLA Phase 2
For All Other Clergy Active in Parish Ministry

As we seek to minister to an ever-changing culture, we need new resources and tools to strengthen our leadership and to effectively reach our shifting contexts with the Gospel. In addition, ministry leadership is hard and sometimes lonely work, so spaces of meaningful connection and shared learning with other leaders is also essential to clergy thriving. Phase 2 provides practical ministry training and spaces of connection to facilitate ongoing clergy development.

Each year we have two in-person Clergy Conferences—one in the days leading up to our annual Synod and one within the first few weeks of lent. Then, once a month, clergy will gather in Zoom process groups for 60-75 minutes to process both learning and ministry life together.

Clergy Call Schedule

Diocesan all-clergy calls occur in odd-numbered months and deanery calls during even -numbered months. Process Group calls for MLA Phase 2 are held monthly.

  All-Clergy Call Deanery Meeting/Call* MLA Process Group

* Deanery and MLA Process Group meeting times vary. Your dean will provide information on deanery gatherings (online and in-person) directly. Process Groups will work out their own meeting times.

All of us know the importance of lifelong learning and none of us should take the stance that we know everything. The pandemic taught us how much we need each other and how much we can learn from each other. The MLA program provides us with significant opportunities to grow together and we are grateful this vision has come to fruition.

For More Information

For more information about the MLA process, contact Mrs. Michelle Herbst.