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ACNA Calls New Archbishop: Stephen D. Wood

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The Anglican Church in North America has called the Rt. Rev. Stephen D. Wood as our next Archbishop and Primate. He has been the Bishop of the Diocese of the Carolinas since its formation in 2012, and has been the Rector of St. Andrew’s, Mount Pleasant, SC, since 2000. Wood succeeds the Archbishop Foley Beach, who has served the constitutional maximum of two five-year terms. Following a summer sabbatical, Beach will continue on as Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the South.

“I can testify to the Holy Spirit’s work in the election of Steve Wood,” said Bishop Alex Farmer. “It was unexpected but clear. Steve is a gifted leader who will move us forward in mission. He is also the unifying bishop we need for the continued work God is calling the Anglican Church in North America to be about in this next season.”

At Provincial Assembly’s Closing Eucharist on Friday, June 28, Bishop Wood will receive from Archbishop Beach the Provincial Cross and the spiritual authority take up this office.

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