Araminta Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Camper Questions

How can I get a better idea of what Camp is like?

Check out Araminta's media pages:

What should I bring to camp?

Check out this packing list.

What am I NOT allowed bring to camp?
  • CD players, MP3 players, DVD players, iPods, or any other music devices
  • Video games or video game devices
  • Laptops or cell phones – you will survive, I promise!
  • Tight or "short" clothes – keep in mind modesty, see above note.
  • Clothing with questionable or unkind sayings or slogans
  • Skateboards, rollerblades, or razor scooters
  • Junk food, candy, or beverages - You will have plenty of food and the "Snack Shack" available for snacks during the week
  • Medications that have not been checked in with the camp nurse
  • Intoxicating or mind-altering substances
  • Weapons – knives (pocket or other), fireworks, bows and/or arrows, and firearms of any kind are not allowed
What if I tend to lose things?

Write (using a permanent marker) or sew your name on your clothes and anything else you don't want to lose at camp. There will be a lot of people at camp and many opportunities to lose things.

Parent Questions

What safety precautions are in place at camp?

Your camper's safety is our top priority! All our staff are trained prior to camp and are ready for your arrival. This training includes Ministry Safe (a diocesan required training for the protection of children), and our adult leaders are trained in CPR and anaphylactic response training. In the event of an unexpected accident, we have a nurse at the camp all week and medical facilities are close to the camp. Parents will be notified in any case of emergency.

What if my child requires medication?

A camp nurse will be on site for campers with first aid and/or medication needs. Any medications, allergies, or special dietary needs should be entered in the medical form during the registration process and turned in to the camp nurse at check in. Specific instructions should be provided as to dosage and scheduled delivery times. Under no circumstances shall the child be permitted to self-medicate (this is required by law). Please be sure all online information is up-to-date as well.

Can I get financial assistance?

Financial assistance may be available from your local Gulf Atlantic Diocese church.

Can my child bring their phone to Camp?

Cell phones are not allowed at camp. It is a wonderful thing to unplug and to be present for camp activities! By day two kids aren't missing their technology—they are having too much fun! If you urgently need to reach your child at Camp, please notify the Camp Registrar. Because of the Camp schedule, immediate contact may not be available but the Registrar will get back to you as soon as possible.

May I write or send care packages to my child during camp?

Yes! Mail call is an exciting time, and we want to make sure your camper receives all messages, emails, or packages in a timely manner.


There is an option to purchase emails to your camper through UltraCamp. Emails are printed each morning and delivered at mail call in the afternoon Tuesday-Friday.


If you or any friends/relatives are mailing letters or packages, please use the following format:
   Camper Name C/O Camp Araminta
   647 State Road 26
   Melrose, Florida 32666

We encourage you to mail your items by Monday of camp at the latest, or:


You may leave packages/mail for your camper at check-in, clearly labeled with their full name and which day to deliver (mail call is daily Tuesday–Friday).

Care Package Policy
  • We ask that you limit camper care packages to one per camper for the week. It is a short, busy week!
  • Edible treats should be sent in resealable containers (zip-top bags, lidded containers) to discourage critter invasions!
  • Please consider sending enough for your camper to share with the cabin (8-10 campers)
  • No food containing nuts or peanut butter
  • No drinks
  • No money
  • No prohibited items
Should my child bring money to camp?

There will be a "Snack Shack" available for the children to purchase items such as sodas, snack foods, t-shirts, and other souvenirs that may interest them. We recommend bringing about $10 to $20 for the week. The camp will keep a record of the monies deposited upon registration so the children will not have to keep track of it throughout the week.

What if my question is not answered here?

Review this Policies and Procedures document, or contact Camp Leadership.