Synod 2024

Opening Worship
Bishop Alex’s sermon at Opening Eucharist may be found here, and a recording of the complete service may be viewed here:
Election Results
On Saturday, October 19, the following people were elected to Diocesan Leadership positions. Their terms will begin January 1, 2025. Standing Committee and Diocesan Council members may be invited to end-of-year meetings to help orient the new members.
Standing Committee (four years, through 2028): Mr. Pete Rosten (Church of the Apostles, Eastern Shore, AL) and the Rev. Brook Batchelor (All Souls Anglican Church, Jacksonville, FL)
Diocesan Council (three years, through 2027): Mrs. Emily Hathcock (Grace Anglican Church, Fleming Island, FL) and the Rev. Dan Thompson (Church of the Apostles)
Ecclesiastical Trial Court (two years, through 2026): Mr. Lister Hubbard (Christchurch Anglican, Montgomery, AL); Mrs. Doris Cheshire (Church of the Redeemer, Anglican, Jacksonville, FL); Mr. Charlie Stambaugh (Church of Our Savior, Jacksonville Beach, FL); the Very Rev. Marcus Kaiser (St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral, Tallahassee, FL); the Rev. Dr. Jeff Trostle (St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral); the Rev. Ben Jefferies (The Good Shepherd Anglican Church, Opelika, AL); and the Rev. Curtis Froisland (Grace Anglican Church)
Secretary of Synod (two years, through 2026): Mrs. Beth Kirby (Servants of Christ Anglican Church, Gainesville, FL)
At a Glance
Friday, October 18
Afternoon – Network Gatherings – contact network facilitators for details
5:00 p.m. – Check-in opens and reception with hors d’oeuvres at the Cathedral
6:00 p.m. – Supper
7:00 p.m. – Opening Worship
9:00 p.m. – Optional Worship & Prayer Gathering (45 mins; Cathedral Youth House)
Saturday, October 19
8:00 a.m. – Morning Prayer
8:30 a.m. – State of the Diocese reports, governance business, Evangelism workshop, lunch and breakout sessions, election results, mission report, and more
3:30 p.m. – Adjourn
The Annual Synod of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese will be held October 18–19 at St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral in Tallahassee, Florida. The theme for this year’s gathering is 1 Corinthians 9:22b–23.
I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.
Based on a diocese-wide assessment of our churches’ flourishing, Clergy Conference and Synod will revolve around the topic of Evangelism. The laity and clergy from every church will work over the weekend through practical tools to bring home a plan to cultivate organic opportunities for evangelism in their communities. Evangelistic mission is an area that many of our churches have self-identified as an area in need of growth. These sessions will work directly on that opportunity and result in practical action steps.
Synod is more than a business session. It is a coming-together of the entire Diocese to celebrate what God is doing among us, to reflect on our common mission, to be edified and equipped, and to be sent back out in fulfillment of our common call. The entire Diocese is invited—not just clergy and lay delegates. (Registration is required.) In addition, many of our new Networks will hold in-person gatherings (see schedule below). Check this list of Networks and inquire with its Facilitator if you are interested.
As in past years, Synod will begin with refreshments and dinner at the Cathedral, followed by Holy Eucharist. The clergy of the Diocese will process together. Saturday morning will begin with Morning Prayer. The day’s agenda will include reports on the State of the Diocese, an extended Evangelism workshop in small groups, a presentation of the 2024 budget, proposed changes to the canons of the Diocese, elections to various governance bodies.
Network Meeting Schedule: Friday October 18
1:30–3:30 p.m. Communicators [RSVP here] [Incarnation Tallahassee Library]
2:00 p.m. Postulants with Standing Committee [Cathedral Youth House]
2:00 p.m. Evangelists [The Krizner Group – 1550 Village Square Suite 3]
2:00 p.m. Spiritual Direction [All Saints Anglican Church – 3945 N. Monroe Street]
2:30–4:00 p.m. Next Gen Ministry [Lofty Pursuits, 1355 Market Street Suite A11]
3:00 p.m. Network of Theologians [Cathedral Youth House]
3:30 p.m. Parish Administrators [Incarnation Tallahassee Library]
When will registration open?
Registration is slated to go live August 1.
When will hotel information be available?
Hotel block information should be published on or before the Registration opening.
How do I reserve a presentation table for my ministry?
The application process for requesting a ministry display table is included in the Synod registration form.
I have a topic to present during the time for workshops. How can I do that?
The workshop time this year has already been planned out around the Synod theme.
What should I wear?
Friday night's worship service is a traditional service in the Cathedral. Diocesan clergy will vest in cassock, surplice, and tippet (unless otherwise directed). Attendees at the reception should dress for a formal church service. Suggested attire for Saturday is "business casual;" many clergy will choose to wear a clerical shirt with collar.
Will Synod be streamed or recorded?
Opening worship will stream on the Cathedral's usual channels (check stpetersfl.com for more information). The Saturday sessions will not be streamed or recorded. In-person attendance is strongly encouraged.
Are clergy required to vest and process?
All clergy of the Diocese are expected to vest in cassock, surplice, and tippet (unless otherwise directed), join in the procession, and sit together by orders.
How do I find out the schedule and information about what we're voting on at Synod?
In the Synod Guide - now available (see above).
2 Comments on “Synod 2024”
when will registration and reservations be enabled?
Hi Fr. Pete! Great question (and we’ve added it to the FAQ)! Registration should be available on August 1.